
Its that time of year again: Thanksgiving & Christmas

Every year at this time you start to see the season change, not only in nature, but in peoples spirits. Now some may be depressed about the Holidays approaching, but most are excited for what the season has in store. I know my family has our tradition of putting up our Christmas Tree Nov. 1 we are that family who also keeps it up after New years as well, but its a tradition I’ve learned to love. This year marks my first in my own home, not an apartment where I live all last year but a real house. I get to decorate my front porch with bells of hay and scarecrows for thanksgiving and hang faux leaves of garland on my fireplace, then for christmas put up beautiful assortment of lights all around my house with big red bow on my pillars. We also start to watch over and over again, Home Alone, Christmas Vacation and White Christmas to the point of exhaustion, but I love those movies and still laugh at all the funny moments and tear up at the ends! Thanksgiving where we all gather around at my Aunts, I’m hispanic so we always have a huge turnout. My grandma brings her famous hot sauce and tamales for us to share, we still have the classic turkey too, don’t worry. I Love being around all my cousins we crack up and watch football all day, theres always such love that you can feel when your around them. Then you have christmas I love the holidays I would listen to Christmas music all year long if my boyfriend didn’t hate it so much, but this time of year he can’t stop my enthusiasm about it. My favorite color is red so its only perfect that this holiday is for me, Santa Clause and all the stories of Rudolph, the christmas Elf, everything makes me smile.

Last years Thanksgiving (Me, Mom, Nick oldest brother)

